Behind Keeper is a small team with a big vision: to help more Americans access the tax breaks they deserve.

Our mission

The complexities of the US tax system are mind boggling. Riddled with credits and tax breaks at the state and federal levels, it’s no wonder why the U.S. has **3x accountants per capita** vs other developed nations. Even for middle class American households, getting a fair tax outcome requires an expensive accountant. Software is eating the world in every industry, yet over half of American households still file taxes through human services.

Nowhere is this paradox more clear than for people with independent contracting and freelancing income, and so our mission at Keeper starts there. Every year, around 40 million American households overpay on their taxes by an average of $1,249. We call this phenomenon **The Freelance Tax Tragedy.**

Our product

We’re redesigned tax filing software from the ground up around personalization, intelligence, and impeccable user experience. We think that people shouldn’t have to choose between the personalization and comfort of human services, and the convenience and accessibility of software. Check it out for yourself on desktop or mobile.

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This audacious vision is only possible thanks to the technological Kairos we’re living in. Transformer models are changing everything, and Keeper is at the bleeding edge of what this means for tax prep:

Together, these technologies enable Keeper be the first tax software that can actually do your taxes for you. Exciting!

Our team is …